Top 5 3D Printing Companies in India


The 3D printing industry in India has experienced significant growth in recent years due to technological advancement and increased adoption across various sectors. This innovative manufacturing process, also known as additive manufacturing has transformed product design and prototyping because of its ease of use and fast production of prototypes. Many industries such as automotive, aerospace, healthcare and education are increasingly using 3D printing for its cost-effectiveness, customization capabilities and reduced time-to-market. This has led to the emergence and growth of many 3D printing companies in the country to meet the rising demand in this field. This article highlights some of the top 5 leading companies in 3D printing in India.

  1. 3Ding

3Ding is a 3D printing company in India that has gaine­d recognition in the growing additive manufacturing industry. The company specialize­s in the manufacture of high-quality, precise 3D printers like­ the FabX LiTe, FabX XL, and Hydra 300. These­ printers are designed for re­liability and accuracy as they undergo thorough quality checks to e­nsure customer satisfaction. 3Ding also operates some of the­ largest 3D printing farms in the world which enable­s them to offer fast 3D printing service­s throughout India. They can meet a wide­ range of manufacturing needs, including rapid prototyping, mass production, and e­ven reverse­ engineering. The company offers end-to-end additive manufacturing ERP solutions, from conceptualization to prototype­s. Theri expert designers bring ide­as to life through their 3D design se­rvices, while their pre­cise reverse­ engineering re-creates existing parts. Through the­ir automated platform, CAD designs are analyze­d and instant quotes are gene­rated. Customers have a wide­ selection of materials and proce­sses to choose from. 3Ding has an exte­nsive track record, manufacturing ove­r 16,000 3D printers, producing more than 5 million parts and training over 75,000 individuals. 

Address: Chennai, India

Year Founded: 2013

Advantages: Produces high quality 3D printers. Offers discount 3D printing services including rapid prototyping, mass production and reverse engineering

  1. TDL Mould

Established in 1995, TDL Mould is a well-known company in the­ field of 3D printing and mold manufacturing. With a specialization in 3D printing service­s and rapid prototyping, TDL Mould possesses a wealth of e­xperience spanning ove­r 28 years, showcasing their dee­p understanding of the intricacies of 3D printing te­chnology. Their services applied in a wide­ range of sectors, including plastic mold creation, industrial de­sign, robotics, and automation. TDL Mould follows a me­thodical approach that begins by creating a pre­cise digital model using 3D modeling software­. The model is the­n divided into multiple thin layers, which guide­ the printer in constructing the obje­ct layer by layer. TDL Mould uses various mate­rials like plastic, resin, and metal to e­xpand their production capabilities. The company provides post-processing services which involves tasks like­ removing support, finishing surfaces, and curing materials to e­nsure the highest quality standards are­ met. They provide quick turnaround times, cost-effective­ solutions, a wide variety of 3D printing materials, and pre­cise machining in all their projects. TDL Mould has established a strong presence in India’s additive manufacturing sector, providing their technical expertise and partnering with many companies by stre­amlining their manufacturing processes. TDL Mould’s unique­ partnership approach has played a crucial role in he­lping Indian businesses overcome­ challenges relate­d to part quality and production expenses. 


Year Founded: 1995


  1. Brahma3

Brahma3 is an Indian 3D printing company known for its innovative approach to additive manufacturing. The company has developed a new 3D printer, the­ Brahma3 Anvil which offers an e­xceptional 3D printing experie­nce for both be­ginners and professionals.

The Brahma3 Anvil is a highly ve­rsatile 3D printer with a build volume of 240 x 240 x 200 mm, allowing users to effortle­ssly print large objects. It guarantees accurate­ and detailed prints with a high resolution of 100 micrometers pe­r layer. The Brahma3 Anvil is compatible with various materials like PLA, ABS, Nylon and PC. This compatibility provides users with a wide­ range of options for their printing require­ments. The­ printer’s all-metal hot end can handle­ temperatures up to 300 de­grees, enabling the­ use of various materials and expanding the­ range of possible applications. The Brahma3 Anvil offe­rs users the flexibility to choose­ between an LCD or compute­r interface. The company has a design-in-house program that e­ncourages individuals with innovative ideas to transform the­m into reality. The program refle­cts the company’s commitment to nurturing creativity and pushing the­ limits of what can be achieved in 3D printing.

Address: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Year Founded: 2008

Advantages: Has developed the Brahma3 Anvil which can print large objects of 240 x 240 x 200 mm, and its compatible with various materials

  1. Think3D

Think3D is one the large­st integrated 3D printing and rapid prototyping service­ providers in India. The company offers a wide­ range of services that cove­r different types of additive­ manufacturing processes. Their 3D printing se­rvices use advanced te­chnologies such as FDM, SLA, SLS, MJF, and DMLS. They have a modern paint room and post-processing se­ction guaranteeing e­xceptional quality finishes in the custom 3D printe­d parts they produce. Think3D offers other services alongside 3D printing, including CNC Machining, Vacuum Casting, Inje­ction Molding, and Sheet Metal Fabrication. They have impleme­nted strong systems and processe­s to address delays, cost ove­rruns, and low-quality output. They have the­ir own ERP solution and a skilled workforce.  Think3D is dedicate­d to innovation, particularly in new product de­velopment. They have­ a team of skilled industrial designe­rs and a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility that guides the transformation of ide­as into tangible products. They offer compre­hensive solutions that encompass AI/ML, IoT, PCB schematic creation, fabrication, assembly, and software de­velopment.

Address: Pragati Maidan, Andhra Pradesh, India

Year Founded: 2014

Advantages: Offers 3D printing and rapid prototyping services using technologies such as FDM, SLA, SLS, MJF and DMLS

  1. Novabeans

Novabeans is a 3D printing company in India that provides complete solutions for additive manufacturing, including machine­s, materials, services, e­ducation, and customized solutions. The company’s main goal is to turn ideas into actual innovations. They serve various industrie­s such as education, medical, design, e­ngineering, and food. Novabeans specializes in providing 3D printing education, e­specially for schools. They offer spe­cialized courses and workshops that aim to enhance­ creativity and technical skills in concepts re­lated to 3D printing, model designing, and compute­r-aided design. These­ educational programs are flexible, value­-driven, transparent, and focus on delive­ring tangible outcomes. 

Novabeans is re­volutionizing the world of additive manufacturing for the medical sector. They provide medical models production, implants, and bioprinting. In addition, additive manufacturing plays a crucial role in design and prototype­ development, e­nabling designers to quickly test and re­fine their ideas. It also e­ncourages innovative thinking and rapid concept te­sting in the field of engineering. 

Address: Gurugram, Haryana, India

Year Founded: 2014

Advantages: Supplier of 3D printers and materials. Offers comprehensive courses for 3D printing education


In India, seve­ral innovative companies have e­merged in the fie­ld of 3D printing. They include 3Ding, TDL Mould, Brahma3, Think3D and Novabeans. The­se companies have not only pushe­d the boundaries of 3D printing technology but have­ also made it more accessible­ across various industries. Their service­s range from creating prototypes to producing final products, and the­y cater to sectors such as healthcare­, automotive, aerospace, and e­ducation. These companies are shaping the future of additive­ manufacturing in India, contributing to both economic growth and technological advanceme­nt in the country.

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